Meeting info |  Venue & Travel  |  Program  |  Registration | Organizers | Important Dates | Participants | Sanitary recommendations

Sanitary recommendations

We will strive at making the meeting as safe as possible from a sanitary point of view, and recommend that all participants to were masks in the venue.

Use of face masks is generally recommended indoors, but only compulsory in medical facilities (as of today). Fast test kits can be bought in supermarkets and pharmacies (about ~3€). PCR tests can also be done; we will provide a list of locations upon your request.

There are a number of outdoor spaces at and near the venue on which the meeting participants can easily gather either to discuss or simply to relax (e.g, the University's Botanical Garden).

Up to date COVID-19 information for incoming travelers can be found at:

Current national regulations are summarised at: