Collaboration and exchange of ideas. The sum is worth more than its parts.

Space weather is a multi-disciplinary research area connecting scientists from across all domains requiring the whole global community to work together.

The ISWAT website is designed to serve as an online presence for the International Space Weather Action Teams – a community coordinated effort hosted by the COSPAR Panel on Space Weather.

The COSPAR ISWAT is a global hub for community coordinated collaborations addressing challenges across the field of space weather.

Established and newly emerging teams focused on different aspects of space weather are invited to join ISWAT and become a part of the global space weather community network.

Go to the "Join ISWAT" tab at the ISWAT website to register a Team, or request to join already registered Teams.

The ISWAT website is built with a content management platform allowing teams to maintain and update dedicated team pages. Team pages can be linked to external team websites. Future planned additions are threaded discussion boards and we will also develop and interactive system inviting community inputs to future updates of the global COSPAR ILWS space weather roadmap [Schrijver et al., 2015].

Benefits of joining ISWAT include to:

  • Expose your project or model to the wider community, and bring-in more expertise and ideas.
  • Benefit from the synergy that the coordinated intra- and inter-cluster activities enable.
  • Apply and develop metrics to test and validate your model(s) on certified data sets.
  • Use your data/measurements to challenge/verify the existing and upcoming models.
  • Participate in community-wide campaigns and ensemble forecasts.
  • Develop strong papers on improvements in the physical understanding, modeling, observations/measurements, analyses techniques, assessment activities, etc
  • Speak with a global voice to international organizations and national/international funding agencies.
  • Participate in next generation strategic planning and provide inputs to future Space Weather Roadmap updates.

The Action Teams are grouped into ISWAT Clusters, by domain, phenomena, impact, or overarching activities.  The three regimes, Sun - Heliosphere - Geospace, cover chains of space weather phenomena linked to major space environment impacts on climate, critical infrastructure (e.g., power grid systems, navigation/communications, (aero)space assets, and human health).  ISWAT Clusters are enhancing our capabilities through shared resources forming partnerships to maximize return on investments to national and international space weather programs.

We particularly welcome early career scientists: Masters and PhD students and Post-Docs.  ISWAT is a long term initiative.  To participate in its activities is a wonderful opportunity to start your career through involvement in an Action Team (as an active participant, lead or co-lead) within an ISWAT Cluster of your particular expertise and choice, shaping the future of space weather.