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COSPAR ISWAT2022 Working Meeting, 26-30 September, 2022
- Click here for ISWAT 2022 Announcement
- Click here for Parallel Session Schedule
- Click here for Block Agenda
- Click here for Plenary Sessions Agenda
Click here to plenary recordings

The 3rd Working Meeting of the COSPAR International Space Weather Action Teams (ISWAT) will be held 26-30 September 2022 at the at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. The ISWAT initiative is a global hub addressing challenges across the field of space weather. Information about the ISWAT initiative is available at:
The working meeting will bring together the ISWAT community to finalize preparation of the community-driven Space Weather Roadmap, to review status of on-going ISWAT projects and to plan new actions and collaborations based on our Roadmap guidelines. More information about ISWAT initiative and community-driven Space Weather Roadmap preparation efforts can be found at the end of the ISWAT 2022 Announcement.
The 26 – 30 September ISWAT working meeting will:
- Discuss Roadmap review papers (Tier 2) in-preparation for submission to Advances in Space Research Roadmap Special Issue 2: Achievements and Future Goals (ASR-SI-2) with focus on summary of the current state, recommendations and opportunities to move forward. Set targets for Action Teams to address.
- Agree on further steps in Roadmap preparation. Discuss approach to linking through papers from Tier 1 (submitted to Advances in Space Research Roadmap Special Issue 1: Research and Applications) to the top-level papers.
- Go beyond the Roadmap, establish new teams, plan new actions and collaborations to address new targets and priorities.
- Expand on-going community-wide research projects and jump-start new campaigns;
- Review approaches to source-to-impact pathways and advance predictions.
- Discuss approaches to global coordination in space weather and interfacing with user groups.
Parallel sessions are organized by Team Leads and Cluster Moderators. Some clusters may choose to plan parallel sessions focused on finalizing Roadmap paper preparation. Other parallel sessions will go beyond the Roadmap and will focus on new activities. ISWAT Working Meeting is an ideal time to establish new teams and collaborations, and to initiate new projects.
Plenary Sessions will include scene setting presentations by authors of Roadmap ASR-SI-2 papers, discussions, and progress reports and action plans from Parallel Sessions.
ISWAT is a community-driven initiative. Success of ISWAT working meetings and the ISWAT initiative depends on active involvement of team leads, cluster moderators, and participants in meeting preparation and all follow-on activities.
Everyone is welcome to join ISWAT, to attend the meeting - and to come to the meeting with a view to joining one or more registered Teams (if you haven’t already done so), or to establish a new team.
Registration fee:
200 EUR (early fee, before 15th August 2022)
250 EUR (late fee, after 15th August 2022)
In case the event has to be held online due to a negative evolution of the covid pandemic, the LOC will reduce the registration fee accordingly.
Conference dinner: On Wednesday with an extra fee of 20 EUR (the bus transportation from the meeting local to the restaurant is included).
Cancelation conditions: before 15th August with no costs, after 15th August the organisers shall retain 50 EUR. The fee includes meeting the documentation, the coffee breaks and the welcome drink.
Financial support: The LOC can consider partially supporting meeting attendants, in particular Master or PhD students. Please contact the LOC ( before 30th June for support requests.