G2A: Atmosphere variability


Sean Bruinsma (CNES, Toulouse, France), sean.bruinsma@cnes.fr

Jia Yue (NASA GSFC, USA), jia.yue@nasa.gov 


Satellite Drag


The Atmosphere Variability Cluster concerns the analysis, modeling and prediction of variations in the thermosphere at all spatial and temporal scales, but particularly regarding the impact on satellite atmospheric drag.


The key questions listed below, not ordered according to priority, have to be addressed to improve current thermosphere model capability. Future thermosphere model updates should then take into account the results and findings as good as possible.


Essential Space Environment Quantities / Forecasting Goals:  

Action Topics:

For list of action topics please click "Read more":



Bruinsma, S., Dudok de Wit, T., Fuller-Rowell, T., Garcia-Sage, K., Mehta, P., Schiemenz, F., Shprits, Y.Y., Vasile, R., Yue, J., Elvidge, S. (2023) Thermosphere and satellite drag, Adv. Space Res., https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asr.2023.05.011