Team title: Satellite Aerodynamic Modeling 
Team ID: G2A-03
Team Leads:
Piyush Mehta (West Virginia University, USA),
Keywords (impact): Satellite/debris drag
Keywords (activity type): Modeling
Satellite aerodynamic coefficients are a source of uncertainty affecting both science (e.g. derivation of mass density estimates used for scientific investigations) and operations (e.g. orbit prediction and collision avoidance). Over the last decade and more, several efforts have resulted in advances in the our understanding of the physics of gas-surface interactions that significantly impact aerodynamic coefficients. Developments have also been made for accurately simulating and modeling the coefficients. However, there remains room for significant improvements contributing to science and operations.
The objective of the team is to consolidate the efforts in the community for efficient advances and improvements in satellite aerodynamic modeling. Through investigations and collaborations, the team will address the open questions on gas-surface interaction and adopt a common, community-accepted framework for modeling aerodynamic coefficients. This will be achieved through rigorous testing and validation studies.
Action topics:
- Satellite drag modeling
Mehta, P.M., Paul, S.N., Crisp, N.H., Sheridan, P.L., Siemes, C., March, G., Bruinsma, S. (2022) Satellite drag coeffient modeling for thermosphere science and mission operations, Adv. Space Res.,