Submitted by admin on Thu, 07/25/2019 - 20:27

Dr. Sean Bruinsma

ISWAT Responsibilities: G2A Cluster Moderator



Dr. Sean Bruinsma is head of the Space Geodesy Office of the french space agency, CNES. Since 1994 he has worked on satellite long-arc computation of geodetic satellites in low Earth orbit using a semi-analytical method at the Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, upper atmosphere modelling at the Service d’Aéronomie, and gravity field and atmospheric drag modelling at CNES. He is responsible for the maintenance and upgrading of the in-house thermosphere model DTM. Besides model development, he is involved in the computation, validation and analysis of density data, and the evaluation of solar and geomagnetic proxies. His interest goes beyond the terrestrial exosphere; he has also derived and analyzed densities using data from spacecraft orbiting Mars, ExoMars TGO presently, and Venus. He has been involved in several studies for ESA: in the development phase of GOCE, the GOCE+ Air density and wind project, the Re-entry study, and the Swarm Quality Working Group. He was Work Package leader for Thermosphere Modelling in the EU 7th Framework Project “ATMOP”, and he is presently lead of the dissemination Work Package of the EU H2020 project “SWAMI”, which aims at developing a Whole Atmosphere Model. He is Steering Board member and Spokesperson for the Atmospheric Effects topical group of the Space Weather Working Team in support of ESA space weather activities. He was a member of NASA’s Living with a Star LEO Drag institute. He is Vice-Chair of CIRA.