Team title: Long-term solar variability
Team ID: S1-01
Team Lead:
Ilya Usoskin (University of Oulu, Finland),
The team holds top-level expertise in long-term solar activity reconstruction based on sunspot observations; cosmogenic proxy data; extreme solar events; cosmic-ray modulation; cosmic-ray effects in the atmosphere; long-term solar variability.
Reliable estimates of long-term solar variability, based on proxy data, including uncertainty assessments.
Action topics:
- Extreme space weather events and their impacts;
- Solar irradiance, open flux and solar wind reconstruction;
- Solar activity indices for constraining long-term variability;
- development of new methods to data analysis to predict solar variability.
- Solar-cycle evolution of meridional circulation and differential rotation for solar dynamo modeling.
Action plan:
- biannual meeting or telecons on coordination of efforts in studying of long-term solar variability;
- community-wise study of solar cycle variability for the last millennium using new proxy data;
- development of an information portal for existing diverse data sources;
Clusters with overlapping topics:
S2, H1
Link to team external website: