Team Title:
Understanding the physics of Space Weather at planetary bodies
Team ID: H4-01
Team Lead: Reka Winslow (University of New Hampshire, USA), rwinslow@guero.sr.unh.edu
Keywords (Impact):
Keywords (Other):
Keywords (Activity Type):
Understanding , Modeling, Forecasting , Data Utilization , Roadmap
Understanding the physics of Space Weather phenomena at planetary bodies in the solar system and beyond in different contexts
• (With H2 and H3) Investigate SEP propagation through the heliosphere and in the environment of different planets
• (With H2 and H3) Investigate linkage between solar activity and auroras at different planets
• Investigate the role of the variability of the magnetospheric environment within a giant planetary system, with focus on the moon exosphere generation and loss processes
• (With H1 and H3) Investigate solar wind and magnetospheric interactions and their effects on the local radiation environment in the circumplanetary space
• Investigate the role of Space Weather in space weathering of airless bodies
• Investigate the role of Space Weather in the evolution of planetary atmospheres within the Solar System and beyond
Action Topics:
Cluster with overlapping topics:
H1: Heliospheric magnetic field and solar wind, H2: CME structure, evolution and propagation through heliosphere, H3: Radiation Environment in Heliosphere
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