Mini-ISWAT Virtual Meeting Series:                      logo

H1-H2 CME Propagation Through Ambient Solar Wind

24-25 June 2021, 3PM - 5PM CEST (1PM - 3PM UT)

Organizers: M. Temmer, M. M. Bisi, C. Scolini

The Mini-Workshop will bring together the teams from cluster H1+H2 to discuss the current status of projects and future perspectives. Everybody - team member or interested follower - is welcome to join! With that we aim to prepare for the upcoming iSWAT meeting (September 2021) and the cluster-focused review paper (deadline April 2022). Don't miss that! 

Team leads who have confirmed their attendance:
Leila Mays, Christine Verbeke, Richard Fallows, Christina Kay, Karin Muglach (Day 2 only)
Team-leads: throughout May - engage with your team and prepare for the mini workshop!

Click here to register for the meeting 
(Registration closes Friday 18th June 2021 - the Zoom link will be sent on or shortly after Monday 21st June 2021.)

Outline agenda for June 24+25, 2021 (start 1pm UT):

June 24 - Day 1: Overviews, plans, update from each team, and preparing for Day 2
  • Opening and introductions. (10 minutes; Moderators)
  • Brief overview of what ISWAT is about and the team/cluster structure(s). (5 minutes; Moderators)
  • Team reports. Bring all the teams up to the same page on the activities within each team and the broader context of these activities within the H1-H2 clusters and the wider ISWAT initiative. (3x10 minutes; Team Leads/Co-Leads)
  • General discussion topics. (10-20 minutes; all)
  • Discussion in the breakout rooms - explanation (5 minutes; Moderators)
  • BREAKOUT ROOMS - prepare for Day 2 (breakout rooms in the Zoom for each of the teams will be provided; 4x15 min)
June 25 - Day 2: Report on homework from Day 1, roadmap planning, discussions, and the way forward
  • Brief report on Day 1 Breakout room discussions and next steps. (10 minutes each team; Team Leads/Co-Leads)
  • Cross-team Discussions and formation/introduction of any new teams. (20-40 minutes; all)
  • Very brief overview presentation of the COSPAR space-weather roadmap update structure. (5 minutes; Moderators)
  • Discussion on the individual science papers leading into the roadmap. (10 minutes; all)
  • Presentation of the overarching paper and discussion around the inputs needed (allocation of names to sections), etc… (10-20 minutes; Moderators)
  • Plans for the ISWAT September workshop. (5 minutes; all)
  • Closing remarks, actions, and the way forward. (10 minutes; Moderators)

Interested in joining the teams? Get here some more information about H1+H2 Clusters: 


The ISWAT clusters H1+2 have focus on interplanetary space and its characteristics. Solar wind structures stemming from the interrelation between large scale open and closed coronal magnetic fields generate periodically recurring regions of compressed plasma and magnetic field followed by high-speed streams. Short-term reconfiguration of the lower coronal magnetic field generates flare emission and provides energy to accelerate enormous amounts of magnetized plasma and particles into interplanetary space. The dynamic interplay between these phenomena changes interplanetary space on various temporal and spatial scales and has effects on the propagation behavior of individual events. Modelling efforts showed that the available observational input is affected by rather large uncertainties, making reliable forecasts difficult. Moreover, the complexity of interplanetary space certainly increases with enhanced solar activity that models cannot cover. Only by joining forces we gain more knowledge about the relation between the different phenomena, underlying physical processes to improve models and to provide better Space Weather forecasting.

Discussion topics
  • Solar wind structures (data and models)
  • CME propagation (data and models)
  • Interaction phenomena (solar wind structures - CME, CME-CME)
  • Variability of space environment (preconditioning)
  • Forecast (status and improvement)
  • Geospace energy input (impact of HSSs/SIRs/CIRs and transient events)