Summaries and Action Plans
Chairs: Mario Bisi, Masha Kuznetsova
9:00 - S1
S1-03, Alexander Pevtsov
9:12 - S2
S2-01, Satabdwa Majumdar
S2-08, Laura Boucheron
S2-03, Nick Arge/Ron Caplan
S2-02, Karin Muglach
9:32 - S3
S3: Solar Eruptions (S3-04, S3-05, S3-06, S3-07), Larisza Krista, Jordan Guerra, Peijin Zhang
9:47 - H1
H1-03, Martin Reiss
H1-01, Barbara Perri
H1-02, John Morgan
9:59 - H2
H2, Emma Davies
(on behalf of Christine Verbeke + Leila Mays (H2-01), Christina Kay (H2-02), and David Barnes (H2-04))
H3-01, H3-02, H3-04, Katie Whitman
10:20 - G1,
G1, Liutauras Rusaitis
G1-06, Edmund Henley
11:00: G2A, Sean Bruinsma
G2B, Ioanna Tsagouri
G2B-12, IPY planning, Lucilla Alfonsi
11:20: G3, Yihua Zheng
11:32 - O1
O1-03, Lia Samara
O1-02, Nick Pogorelov
11:44: S2G-01, Masha Kuznetsova
11:50: NO SLIDES S2G-03, Mario Bisi
11:53 - ISWAT moving forward
- Summary from Wed Evening Panel, Martin, Emma
- Next full week ISWAT 2027,
- Mini ISWATs, ISWAT sessions at other meetings
12:25 - Closing Remarks