Team ID: S2G-02
Team Title: Sun 2 Geospace Scoreboard
Team Lead:
Adam Kubaryk (CIRES CU Boulder / NOAA SWPC, USA), Adam.Kubaryk AT
Team Co-Lead:
Masha Kuznetsova (NASA/CCMC, USA) maria.m.kuznetsova AT
Keywords (Other):
Keywords (Activity Type):
Understanding , Modeling , Forecasting, Data Utilization, Assessment, Information Architecture
Sun 2 Geospace Scoreboard is a community ensemble prediciton product aiming to demonstrate operational potential of new understanding, modelis and data to improve operational forecasting capabilities.
The goal of the team is to work with operational agencies and users to agree on global physical quantities aligned with space environment condition scales and to build an infrastructure for community-wide Sun-TO-Impact ensemble modeling.