Mini-ISWAT @ ESWW: November 03, 2024

The mini-ISWAT Working Meeting will take place on Sunday 3rd November immediately preceding the European Space Weather Week 2024 in Coimbra, Portugal.

The meeting will be hosted at the Mathematics Department of the University of Coimbra (

The mini-ISWAT @ ESWW 2024 will provide an opportunity for ISWAT Clusters and Action Teams to schedule working sessions to review team activities, establish new teams, plan new actions and collaborations to address new targets and priorities based on our Roadmap recommendations.

Four rooms are reserved at the University of Coimbra on November 03, 2024.

The plan is to have three 90 minutes parallel sessions in each room (AM1, AM2, PM1)  and a join PM2 session. The join session will focus on addressing Roadmap recommendations, ISWAT post-Roadmap activities planning, and ideas for new community-wide endeavors.  We will also discuss plans for the upcoming full-week ISWAT Working Meeting in February 2025 in Florida, USA.

We are inviting Ideas/proposals for new community-wide endeavors.  Proposals can be uploaded here:


Click here for live sessions planning

Registration for the mini-ISWAT satellite event is available through the ESWW2024 registration form with a complementary fee of 50€.

We strongly encourage ISWAT community to attend both mini-ISWAT and ESWW meetings. Outcomes for the mini-ISWAT will be discussed with a broader space weather community community at the ISWAT Topical Discussion Meeting at the ESWW.