Team Title: Team Modelling and Forecasting Ionospheric TEC/Scintillations based on Artificial Intelligence MethodsJoin The Team

Team ID: G2B-10

Team Lead:
Devanaboyina Venkata Ratnam (KL University, India),

Team Co-Lead:
Pasumarthi Babu Sree Harsha (KL University, India),

Team POC:
Miriyala Sridhar (KL University, India),

Keywords (Impact):
Navigation and/or Communications

Keywords (Activity Type):
Modeling, Forecasting, Assessment

With the advent of multi-instrument GNSS observations the characterization of ionospheric variability accurately is evident. The tools and algorithms those can provide reliable ionospheric parameters to nowcast and forecast is greatly understood. The chaotic nature of ionosphere is greatly modeled by understanding the influences of external drivers namely solar and geomagnetic is observed. It is also found that short-term and long-term total electron content forecasting in proper spatial and temporal scales is to be addressed. The idea is to utilize the data assimilation, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques in total electron content forecasting. To develop a hybrid total electron content short term forecasting model by combining data assimilation and machine learning is the discern task.

1. Low-latitude ionospheric short-term spatial TEC forecasting by driving assimilated outputs to machine learning approach.
2. Ionospheric spatial gradients forecasting using deep learning methods and understanding their impacts on horizontal and vertical protection limits.
3. Forecasting of Ionospheric scintillations in regional scale through group of GNSS receiver network datasets.
4. Assessment of forecast metrics to understand reliable ionospheric forecasts. 

Action Topics:
Understand and forecast the global state of the ionosphere, Assessment of modeling capability of global and regional vertical TEC on different spatial and temporal scales, Assessment of predictive capabilities of ionosphere scintillations

Cluster with overlapping topics:

G1: Geomagnetic environment, G2B: Ionosphere variability

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Show/Hide Team G2B-10 Participants

Cladio Cesaroni (INGV - Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, Italy)
Biagio Forte (University of Bath, UK)
Ishita Gulati (Met Office, UK)
Pasumarthi Babu Sree Harsha (KL University, INDIA)
Punyawi Jamjareegulgarn (KL University, INDIA)
Siva Krishna K (KL University, INDIA)
Lei Liu (University of Colorado, USA)
Anna Morozova (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Xiaoqing Pi (NASA/JPL, USA)
Devanaboyina Venkata Ratnam (KL University, INDIA)
Miriyala Sridhar (KL University, INDIA)
Iwona Stanislawska (Centrum Badan Kosmicznych PAN, Poland)
Ningbo Wang (Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (AIR/CAS), China)