Team title: Ionospheric Scoreboard Development
Team ID: G2B-09
Team Leads:
Katherine Garcia-Sage (NASA/GSFC, USA), katherine.garcia-sage@nasa.gov
Keywords (impact): Navigation and/or Communications
Keywords (activity type): Requirements , Modeling, Forecasting, Assessment
Scoreboards provide a pathway from past event ionospheric analysis to ionospheric forecasts, by identifying and documenting needs for driver improvements and obstacles to forecasting.
We will run ionospheric models in past event, nowcast, and forecast mode and assess model performance compared to ground truth data, such as from ionosondes.
Expected output includes:
- identification of potential scoreboard parameter
- processed data for model comparisons
- sample scoreboard for a single event
Action Topics:
- Understand and forecast the global state of the ionosphere,
- Improve the ionospheric forecasting window through the definition and forecast of ionospheric drivers in the sun, the solar wind, the magnetosphere and the lower atmosphere,
- Assessment of modeling capability of local TEC on different spatial and temporal scales
Cluster with overlapping topics:
G1: Geomagnetic environment, G2A: Atmosphere variability
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