Action Team: Sun-Spacecraft and Sun-Earth Magnetic Connectivity 
Team ID: S2-05
Team Leads:
Rui Pinto (IRAP, University of Toulouse, France),
Jon Linker (Predictive Science Inc., USA),
Establishing magnetic connectivity from the solar surface to any point in the interplanetary space is a key challenge in today's space physics. Solar Orbiter operations require a priori knowledge of the regions of the observed solar disk and corona that will either be connected magnetically to the spacecraft within at least few-days lead time, or be the source of solar wind flows and particles that are likely to be detected in-situ. More generally, relating remote observations to in-situ data from one or more spacecraft (e.g, synergies between Solar Orbiter and Parker Solar Probe) requires tools and methods that establish connectivity systematically.
A web-based tool (the IRAP's connectivity tool) already provides continuously a set of magnetic field connectivity forecasts (as well as past-event estimations) for different locations. The tool relies on robust observational and modeling methods, and aims at federating/integrating diverse contributions from the community in a common operational framework. This effort, supported by the ESA's Solar Orbiter MADAWG group, serves as a test-bed for space-weather predictive models and will provide deeper insights on the multitude of processes that have an impact on the propagation of solar disturbances across the corona and heliosphere.
The main goals of the action team are to:
- Evaluate the capabilities of the connectivity methods already implemented, and identify current limitations.
- Define forecast validation metrics and test-cases.
- Propose future improvements and/or the integration of new methods (models, datasets).
- Discuss strategies to relate observations and measurements from multiple sources, and to coordinate future multiple spacecraft campaigns.
Action Topics:
- Analysis, modeling and prediction of coronal structure and solar wind sources,
- Definition of metrics and validation for coronal structures,
- Quantification of uncertainties in mapping to solar wind sources.
Clusters with overlapping topics:
S1: Long term solar variability, S2: Ambient solar magnetic field, heating and spectral irradiance, H1: Heliospheric magnetic field and solar wind, H2: CME structure, evolution and propagation through heliosphere
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