Team Title:
3D visualization of space weather in OpenSpace
Team ID: O2-08
Team Lead:
Elon Olsson NASA/NSF Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC), USA
Keywords (Other):
3D, Interactive, Visualization, Education, Outreach, Exploration
Keywords (Activity Type):
Understanding , Data Utilization
Joining this team comes with no expectation of any participation. At a minimum it will simply be a way for you to partake in more information.
OpenSpace is a free, open source planetarium software for interactive 3d visualizations with the overwhelming goal of visualizing everything we know about space. Besides planetariums it can also run on flat screens, such as laptops.
This team will work as a platform for international collaborations and discussions of space weather visualizations in OpenSpace (and beyond), from the creation of features to support specific visualizations for specific simulation models, to creating content, to setting up lectures and/or planetarium shows.
This will require collaboration on multiple levels such as coding and discussions on how to communicate space weather to the public.
Some features are already in place, some content publicly available, and some shows already conducted. The content span from the Sun to auroras.
There is a sizeable team behind the software.
If you are unfamiliar, check it out at
The goals are to open up for collaborations and to have an expanded team that work more closely together with 3D visualization projects, projects and visualizations that will be for anyone to explore, anyone between the general public and the experts.
Action Topics:
Cluster with overlapping topics:
This is an excellent tool for education and public outreach and heavily overlap with the O4 cluster.
I put it under O2 (information architecture and data utilization) because I expect most of the collaboration this team will bring, will revolve around how to connect your data and visualize it in OpenSpace which comes with information architecture and data utilization challenges.
Link to external website: