Team title: Swarm-SWITCH, Space Weather Timeline Viewer 
Team ID: O2-07
Team Leads:
Eelco Doornbos (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, KMNI),
Keywords (activity type): Information Architecture, Data Utilization, Understanding, Requirements, Modeling, Forecasting
We are developing an interactive space weather timeline viewer, for use in space weather monitoring, education and data exploration for case studies. The viewer is based on modern web technologies and runs in a browser on a desktop or even on handheld devices. The viewer makes use of HAPI for storing and accessing the data.
- Easy zooming and panning on space weather time series and images
- Comparing measurements and models of space weather events, for training and data exploration
- Showcasing how current and future space weather (multi-)satellite data can be used together with models in operational space weather applications
Link to team external website: