Team title: Digital Object Identifiers to support Space Weather
Team ID: O2-04
Team Leads:
Guido De Marchi (ESA/ESTEC, Netherlands),
Aaron Roberts (NASA/GSFC, USA),
Keywords (activity type): Modeling, Forecasting, Data Utilization, Information Architecture, Roadmap
Keywords (impact): Climate, Electric power systems, GICs, Satellite/debris drag, Navigation and/or Communications, (Aero)space assets functions, Human exploration
Keywords: Digital Object Identifier, Data Assimilation
There are an increasing number of space weather data providers, ranging from small geophysical and astronomical ground-based observatories to space missions run by national and international space agencies. Forecasting space weather requires not only reliable initial photospheric conditions for computer simulations of solar wind propagation, but also in-situ and remote-sensing measurements at as many points as possible in the Heliosphere to test and improve the model predictions. Each of the many providers also supports numerous studies of a less global nature.
Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) can help all data providers make their data easier to find and use. By preserving the type of data products generated by multiple data providers, DOIs allow model developers and space weather forecasters to securely include all measured parameters in their simulations. Simulation results can also be tagged, documented, and preserved through DOIs, thereby keeping track of space weather forecast results. This might be particularly relevant for simulations that allow direct comparison with in-situ measurements.
This team will take stock of repositories and archives hosting in-situ and remote-sensing data products useful to characterise the Heliosphere. We will solicit inputs from data providers, space and solar physicists, journals, and citizen scientists. We will discuss how these data products are best advertised and/or referred to in scientific publications to increase their visibility for space weather forecasting and other studies. We will look specifically at how the use of DOIs can support the identification and exchange of data and models, at all levels, in the context of the DOI initiatives undertaken by the International Heliophysics Data Environment Alliance. The goal of this team is to agree on a set of best practices for the minting and use of DOIs.
Action topics:
Cluster with overlapping topics:
S1: Long term solar variability, S2: Ambient solar magnetic field, heating and spectral irradiance, S3: Solar eruptions, H1: Heliospheric magnetic field and solar wind, H2: CME structure, evolution and propagation through heliosphere, H3: Radiation Environment in Heliosphere, H4: Solar System and beyond, G1: Geomagnetic environment, G2A: Atmosphere variability, G2B: Ionosphere variability, G3: Near-end radiation and plasma environmen
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