Team title: Combined G3-02 and G3-04 Activities
Team ID: G3-07
Team Lead:
Yuri Shprits (GFZ Potsdam, Germany), yuri.shprits AT
Team Co-Lead:
Janet Green Aerospace Corporation, USA jgreen AT
Vania Jordanova LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA vania AT
Team POC:
Yuri Shprits yshprits AT
Keywords (Impact):
(Aero)space assets functions
Keywords (Activity Type):
Understanding , Requirements , Modeling, Forecasting , Data Utilization , Information Architecture , Assessment , New Instrumentation A, New Instrumentation B
This new team is to combine G3-02 and G3-04 activities and objectives.
1. Assessment of current modeling capabilities in portraying space environment that is relevant to surface charging and internal charging
2. Better mapping users needs and science understanding
3. Better understanding of how the coupled sun and geospace work in producing different charging environment
Action Topics:
Improve and assess of 4D and 3D radiation belt modeling capabilities, Define/refine ESEQ (Essential Space Environment Quanitities) and criteria for satellite surface charging for different orbit types; assess and improve the specification and forecasting of the internal charging environment, Advance modeling capability of the coupled geospace system (including ring current, plasmasphere, plasma sheet, ionosphere and thermosphere)
Cluster with overlapping topics:
S3: Solar eruptions, H1: Heliospheric magnetic field and solar wind, H2: CME structure, evolution and propagation through heliosphere, G1: Geomagnetic environment
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