Team title: HamSCI: Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation
Team ID: G2B-07
Team Leads:
Nathaniel Frissell (University of Scranton, USA), nathaniel.frissell@scranton.edu
Phil Erickson (MIT Haystack Observatory, USA), pje@mit.edu
Keywords (impact): Navigation and/or Communications
Keywords (activity type): Requirements , Modeling, Forecasting , Data Utilization
The Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation is a collective to facilitate collaboration between amateur radio operators (hams) and the professional space science/space weather communities. The amateur radio community is able to provide quasi-global observations of communications in near-real time.
Test and validate ionospheric and propagation prediction models using observations of radio communications provided by the amateur radio community.
Action topics:
- Understand and forecast the global state of the ionosphere,
- Understand and quantify ionosphere response to drivers from above and below,
- Improve predictive capability of irregularities and impact on propagation of radio signal
Link to team external website: