Team title: ILW-Sun-Ionosphere nexus.
Team ID: G2B-03
Team Leads:
Dr. Shanmugha Sundaram G A (Amrita University, India),
Keywords (impact): Navigation and/or Communications, Satellite/debris drag, (Aero)space assets functions, Human exploration
Keywords (activity type): Modeling, Data Utilization, New Instrumentation A
Classification of Radio Sun Activity at long wavelengths, from study of disturbances they create in the Earth's ionosphere, using terrestrial LW radio broadcast waves as probes.
- Classification of Radio Sun Activity
- GPS-enabled Ionosphere TEC estimation
- Long wave receiver design, assembly & operation
Action topics:
- Improve predictive capability of irregularities and impact on propagation of radio signal,
- Assessment of modeling capability of global and regional vertical TEC on different spatial and temporal scales,
- Define optimal observation capabilities for ionospheric services (ground-based monitoring facilities and space missions, especially a topside sounder system).
Clusters with relevant topics:
G2B: Ionosphere variability, S3: Solar eruptions, H2: CME structure, evolution and propagation through heliosphere, H3: Radiation Environment in Heliosphere.
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