WMO-ISES-COSPAR Coordination Team (WICCT)

The final report of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UN COPUOS) Expert Group on Space Weather was published in 2022. To address Recommendation 1 in the report, the secretariat of the UN COPUOS invited the WMO, ISES and COSPAR to take a leadership role in advancing international cooperation and coordination for improved international space weather capabilities. WMO, ISES and COSPAR formally agreed to accept this invitation and to take an active role in advancing international coordination by endorsing and signing theCoimbra Declaration. WICCT was subsequently established to move forward on the recommendation and to foster collaboration efforts between international organisations and other actors in the field of space weather. In November 2023 the International Space Weather Coordination Forum, organised by WICCT, was held at WMO in Geneva, bringing together a number of international organisations engaged in space weather to identify areas where coordination is lacking and to explore pathways to increased coordination of activities.