European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)


EUMETSAT is a user-driven intergovernmental, operational organisation with 30 European member states represented by the decision making Council composed of high-level National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHS) delegates, which is supported by a series of advisory groups, covering policy, science and technology, administration and finance.

EUMETSAT operates a system of meteorological satellites, providing operational data and products to NHMS of member states and users worldwide, as well as governing 8 thematic Satellite Application Facilities, harnessing European national expertise to further enhance operational products and user services. Leveraging the experience from these meteorological roles, EUMETSAT is formulating a roadmap for equivalent support to member state operational space weather services. 

Strategic Vision: to be the leading user-driven operational agency in Europe and a trusted global partner for weather and Earth system monitoring from space.

Policy Principle: “..extensive use of international cooperation…efficiency, broaden, extend the benefits of programmes.”

Strategic Objective: “contribution to the realisation of the WMO WIGOS Vision 2040.”