World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

ET-SWx webpage


WMO is a UN specialised Agency with 193 Member States represented by Permanent Representatives (often directors of the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services) at Congress, supported by the Executive Council, in turn supported by 6 Regional Associations and 2 Technical Commissions (Infrastructure and Services) and the Research board.


  • WMO Members provide Weather, Hydrological and other environmental Services to their Citizens
  • WMO is the UN authoritative voice on Weather, climate, Water and Environmental Services
  • WMO facilitates data exchange and cooperation through standardisation, training and information exchange
  • WMO maintains overview of Requirements and Infrastructure for the Services provided by its Members
  • Regulatory and training materials and activities developed through Working Groups composed of Experts in the field
    (as in kind contributions by Members or partner Organisations)

Space weather is positioned within 'environmental conditions' in Article 2 of the WMO Convention: “ facilitate worldwide cooperation on monitoring and predicting changes in weather, climate, water and other environmental conditions…”.