Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network


Collective informal agreement to work together for the benefit of increasing worldwide interplanetary scintillation (IPS) usage and understanding for both heliophysics research and space-weather monitoring; no collective funding; inputs to models used at Met Office, KSWC, CCMC, etc…; radio-telescope users and space-weather investigators are the primary community.

Multiple research organisations ranging from government labs, radio-telescope organisations, to universities across Europe, Asia, Oceania, and North America (including Central America) with interests from Africa and South America.

Formation of a unified common data format (IPSCDFv1.1) for key IPS outputs into a simple ASCII text file for feeding into models and for wider use by the community.

Many novel developments, particularly with advanced radio-telescope systems such as LOFAR (Europe) and MWA (Australia).

Several individual/national projects, and occasional EU-/EC-related projects.