International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Incoherent Scatter Working Group (ISWG)

URSI ISWG webpage


The ISWG is a focus group within the International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Commission G. Activities are funded through URSI and it is in place to pursue initiatives that enhance Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) science. Although the primary community of the ISWG is URSI, this working group is of benefit to all who use ISR data.

Primary duty is advertising for “World Day” proposals, and then coordinating these campaigns. World Days are campaigns where all/most ISRs run simultaneously to pursue a similar science goal (e.g. TIDs or SSW). Accordingly, the chairpersons of this working group are not ISR PIs.

More recently this group has expanded its initiatives to include gathering and evaluating ISR educational materials (e.g. “ISR book club” and the “NJIT Radar Collective”) and helping facilitate a long-term plan for the ISR community.