International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Inter-Commissions Interdisciplinary Space Weather


The advanced state of radio physics as well as the progress of technique and technology meant that the development of space weather gained new acceleration. Many phenomena having a significant impact on life on our increasingly advanced technical civilization have proved to be predictable, forecasted and mitigated.
This indicated the need to undertake new research directions and intensify others, which, with access to improved, innovative tools and methods, have just become an additional impulse for development
The application of the results of radio sciences in space weather:

  • Gathering and sharing space weather information,
  • Understanding the near-space environment in the areas of remote sensing and communications,
  • Supporting space- and ground-based radio systems,
  • Forecasting and mitigating of space weather characteristics and indices impact on the Earth,
  • Ground and space instrumentation,
  • Promotion and education