U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF)



NSF is a U.S. Government agency, funded by the U.S. taxpayer and authorized by U.S. Congress, to support primarily the U.S. science and engineering research communities through competitive grants.

NSF provides funding for all fields of science and engineering, except the medical sciences. For space weather, NSF supports research on the physical processes in the integrated Sun-Earth system that underlie space weather and space climate, their impacts on technology, and research-to-operations-to-research. NSF fund mainly ground-based observing systems including ISR, SuperDARN, SuperMAG, solar telescopes including GONG, neutron monitors, magnetometers, etc. NSF also funds education and development of next generation expertise in space weather research.

NSF funds U.S. researchers to do space weather research, build observing instruments and facilities. We support our grantees to build international partnerships and locate their observing networks anywhere in the world (incl. Antarctica) necessary to do their science. NSF also works with other U.S. federal agencies, international science funding agencies and space agencies on agency-level or government-level international partnerships.