IAU Working Group on Coordination of Synoptic Observations of the Sun

IAU WG Coordination of Synoptic Observations webpage


Working Group governance: This is Functional, Inter-Division B (Facilities, Technologies and Data Science) and E (Sun and Heliosphere) working group of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Current membership includes 54 members from 19 countries.

Funding: none.

Stakeholders and Primary Communities: Solar astronomy and space physics research communities.

Objectives and activities: The mission of this working group is to facilitate international collaboration in synoptic long-term solar observations, which includes past, current, and future synoptic programs, preservation, calibration, and access to synoptic solar data products. The working group provides a forum for discussion of all issues relevant to synoptic long-term observations of the Sun including coordination between synoptic programs in different coutries (both in respect to exchange information and planning for future synoptic programs) and a proper calibration of historic data from different sources.