Canadian Space Agency


The CSA promotes the peaceful use and development of space, to advance the knowledge of space through science and to ensure that space science and technology provide social and economic benefits for Canadians.


Governance: Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry; President of the CSA

Communities: Government, Industry, Academia, International 

Areas of Focus/Objectives:

  • Space Exploration: astronaut missions, astronomy and planetary studies, scientific research in space
  • Space Science and Technology: development of innovative space technologies and applications used on Earth
  • Space Utilization: satellites and collection of space data – communications, Earth observation, and solar-terrestrial science.


  • More than 120 ground-based science instruments deployed across Canada and the High Arctic run by Canadian universities
  • Expertise in space-based instruments: ultraviolet auroral imagers, high- and low-energy particle instruments, magnetometers, etc.
  • Data assimilation and modelling with applications to space weather