Committee on Space Research (COSPAR)


PSW: https://cospar/panels/panel-on-space-weather-psw/



COSPAR scientific bodies: 8 Scientific Commissions (A-H), 12 Panels  and 7 Task Groups (including Panel on Space Weather, Panel on Innovative Solutions, Panel on Radiation Belt Environment Modeling, Panel on Capacity Building, COSPAR/URSI Task Group on Reference Atmospheres, ISO WG4, Task Group on Establishing an International Geospace Systems Program).

COSPAR Council includes President, representatives of 46 National Member Institutions and 13 International Member Unions, Chairs of Scientific Commissions. COSPAR’s objectives are to promote on an international level scientific research in space, use of space science for the benefit of mankind, and to provide an open forum for exchange of results, information and opinions.

COSPAR advises the UN and other organizations, prepares scientific and technical standards related to space research.


Panel on Space Weather (PSW) includes more than 50 members appointed by national agencies, international bodies (UN COPUOS, WMO, ISWI, ISES, SCOSTEP, IAGA, URSI), and major space weather research organizations world-wide. PSW objectives are:

  • Advance understanding, modelling and forecasting of space environment processes.
  • Facilitate scientific and observational gap analyses and preparation of community-driven Global Space Weather Roadmaps. 
  • Demonstrate the potential of new understanding and models to improve space weather predictive capabilities.


ISWAT is a bottom-up initiative hosted by COSPAR/PSW:

  • To join forces and to act beyond domain-focused communities and organizational borders.
  • To serve as a platform for effective self-organized collaborations addressing challenges across the field of space weather.