Antarctic Geospace and ATmosphere reseArch - Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (AGATA-SCAR)


AGATA is a Programme Planning Group endorsed by SCAR (Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research) and it is running to be approved as a new SCAR Scientific Research Programme. It is primarily funded by SCAR, but it received additional funds from other entities (e.g. SCOSTEP). Its reference community includes scientists and operators working in polar areas.

AGATA is a coordinated, worldwide effort to monitor, investigate and better understand the physics of the polar atmosphere and the impact of the Sun-Earth interactions on the polar regions. AGATA will take advantage of existing and planned instrumentation in Antarctica, but also in the Arctic and satellite-based observations, and it will aim for coordinated research efforts and data exchange. This bi-polar perspective will allow the study of significant interhemispheric asymmetries in the atmospheric response observed in the polar regions. AGATA members come from more than 25 Countries from all the Continents.